
Forced Air Warming Blankets

These Blankets Are Safe For Use In Surgery!

Proven Effective!

Safety Record!

Forced Air Warming Blankets

Darvall forced air warming blankets are different!   These blankets are designed with a porous patient contact surface.  There are no holes in these blankets, jetting air into the surgery or recovery room.  Darvall forced air warming blankets are designed to permit the patient’s hair-coat to trap and hold warm air against the body.  Recent research shows that these blankets consistently increase body temperature to near normal during anesthesia.

Surgery unit blanket / warming / veterinary

 Conveniently duct warm air through a closed cage door with the patented Darvall Cage Door Adapter #7882

Cozy Kwick KDA (Kennel Door Adapter) Kit

Improve access to your patients today!

Forced Air Warming Blankets

Forced Air Warming Blankets

Designed By Veterinarians For Veterinarians

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